Launch of Global Alliance for Disaster Resource Acceleration

Please join us for the official launch of the Global Alliance for Disaster Resource Acceleration

Thursday, July 9, 2020

9 AM Pacific Time/12 PM Eastern Time/4 PM Universal Time
Via Zoom
Captioning in English and International Sign
For additional accessibility needs, please contact

Global Alliance for Disaster Resource Acceleration logo, large. 6 arrows wrapping around an invisible sphere, each arrow a different color - orange, red, purple, blue, green, and gray.
World Institute on Disability (WID) logo, small. 
The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies logo, small. 
ONG Inclusiva logo, small. 


[Icon of wheelchair user] When disaster strikes, disability-led organizations are on the ground right from the start, trying to fill the gaps without equitable access to traditional disaster relief channels.

[Icon: dialogue bubbles]As we have continued to engage hundreds of disabled leaders and disability-led organizations from around the world in our Global Disability and Disaster Town Hall discussions, it’s clear from their stories that it’s time for a new approach to disaster response, relief, and resilience.

[Icon Time clock] The disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and disasters on multiply-marginalized people with disabilities necessitates the acceleration of resources to disability-led organizations meeting the needs in their disaster-impacted communities.

[Icon person with arrows towards box] Based on input from disability leaders and funders committed to improving disaster outcomes, we’re building an alliance to disrupt exclusion and accelerate radical inclusion. Together, we can move resources faster and more equitably to ensure that disability-led organizations have the tools and resources they need.

Icon hands shaking in a circle of 2 arrows that point to each other's ends: Please join us at our launch event to find out how you can become a part of this exciting new initiative – it’s going to take all of us!
Seeking disability-led organizations, disabled leaders, foundations, corporate partners, and all others interested in building a global alliance that shifts power to the disability community.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

9 AM Pacific Time/12 PM Eastern Time

 4 PM Universal Time


Captioning in English and International Sign

For additional accessibility needs, please contact


Global Alliance for Disaster Resource Acceleration logo, large. 6 arrows wrapping around an invisible sphere, each arrow a different color - orange, red, purple, blue, green, and gray.
World Institute on Disability (WID) logo, small. 
The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies logo, small. 
ONG Inclusiva logo, small.

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