By your gracious donations over the years, together we fill the gaps in the traditional response and increase disability inclusivity throughout humanitarian aid.
Thank you for your support!

The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies has been supporting disability focused emergency management in Puerto Rico since 2017.
More About Us
The Partnership is the Nation's Disability and Disaster Resource Hub – led by Disabled people for Disabled people throughout disasters in the U.S. and across the world.
We fill the gaps in the traditional humanitarian response for people with disabilities throughout disasters and crises.
We are the only U.S. disability-led organization with a focused mission of equity for people with disabilities and people with access and functional needs throughout all planning, programs, services and procedures before, during and after disasters and emergencies.
Hurricane Fiona – 5 Years Since Hurricane Maria
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Updated: February 5, 2024 by admin
Thank you for your support to Disabled people throughout disasters over the years!
Now People with Disabilities in Puerto Rico Need Your Help Following Hurricane Fiona
September 20th marks five (5) years since Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico as a strong Category 4 hurricane.
As we always do, in collaboration with local disability-led organizations (MAVI), local emergency management, American Red Cross, and FEMA.
Our (now) Co-Executive Directors led the deployment for 3 weeks. Shaylin and Germán saw the disproportionate impact on the disability community, and did all they could to bring humanitarian aid and resources to people with disabilities throughout the interior of the island in the hard-to-reach, remote areas - where disabled people lacked access to disaster services and programs in the immediate aftermath of the storm. While also advocating for the rights, needs, and inclusion of people with disabilities before, during, and after disasters.
Now, five (5) years later, there is a State of Emergency for Hurricane Fiona as it’s impacting Puerto Rico as a Category 1 Hurricane with catastrophic flooding.
Over the weekend, the trauma from Maria has been fresh in everyone’s mind as rains continue to flood and power outages happen throughout the island.
The Partnership is active and coordinating disability-led response with MAVI, one of the Centers for Independent Living serving the majority of the island.
The CDC says 1 in 2 Puerto Ricans on the island are disabled.
Your donations will support disability-led and focused response.
Your donations will help in:
By your gracious donations over the years, together we fill the gaps in the traditional response and increase disability inclusivity throughout humanitarian aid.
Thank you for your support!
The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies has been supporting disability focused emergency management in Puerto Rico since 2017.
More About Us
The Partnership is the Nation's Disability and Disaster Resource Hub – led by Disabled people for Disabled people throughout disasters in the U.S. and across the world.
We fill the gaps in the traditional humanitarian response for people with disabilities throughout disasters and crises.
We are the only U.S. disability-led organization with a focused mission of equity for people with disabilities and people with access and functional needs throughout all planning, programs, services and procedures before, during and after disasters and emergencies.
Category: Announcement, News