+1 (800) 626-4959 info@disasterstrategies.org 112 N. 8th Street, Suite 600, Philadelphia PA 19107

What We Do

We are Your Disability & Disaster Hub

Supporting Disabled Disaster Survivors

Through the Disability & Disaster Hotline that connects disabled disaster survivors, loved ones, and stakeholders with information, resources, and assistance throughout disasters and emergencies.

  • When a caller is not getting their urgent disability needs met, often exhausting all other resources, we do our best to fill the gaps (e.g. coordinate transportation, temporary hotel stay, DME replacement, etc.) to prevent institutionalization and maintain health and independence.

Supporting Organizations’ and Communities’ Disaster Response 

When disasters are imminent or in the aftermath of a recent disaster, The Partnership offers technical assistance, support, and guidance to the disability and aging network, especially disability-led organizations, to assist them in responding to and meeting the needs of their communities. 

      • Navigating emergency management systems (working with FEMA, Red Cross, local emergency management)
      • Bringing stakeholders together to identify problems and work towards solutions collectively
      • Filing the gaps in the traditional humanitarian response

Strengthening Community Resilience

The Partnership has impact and reach in all federal regions, and is a convener for local disability organizations, advocates, emergency managers, public health officials, federal, state/territorial and local government agencies, first responders, and allies across the country.

  • Weekly National Stakeholder Calls (Tuesdays at 3pm ET)
  • Daily COVID-19 Disability Rights and Disasters Calls (Mon - Fri at 6pm ET)
  • Supporting organizations and local emergency management agencies in creating or strengthening task forces/committees focused on inclusive emergency management.
  • Sharing tools, information, resources, and good/promising practices for inclusive emergency/disaster planning, mitigation, response, & recovery.

Increasing Education and Awareness

We are a trusted source of information for the disability community about disasters and emergencies.

    • Creating materials and sharing curated information to educate on the disproportionate impact disabled people face in disasters, and preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery for the disability community.  
    • We provide customized training, exercises, gap analysis and continuity of operations plans, inclusive emergency management conferences, and technical assistance to organizations, businesses, and government agencies. 

Influencing Advocacy, Policy, and Systems Change

We utilize the experiences of disabled disaster survivors, lessons learned and promising practices from our partners, and the systemic barriers disabled people encounter throughout disasters to fuel our advocacy, policy, and systems change.  

  • Advocating for systems change that create better outcomes for disabled disaster survivors. 
  • Driving program and policy changes to proactively assure compliance with civil rights obligations.
  • Providing subject matter expertise to inform policies and programs that impact disaster and emergency preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery for people with disabilities.

What We Do Before, During, and After Disasters


  • We engage the local disability and aging network to let them know we are here for them as a trusted source of support and assistance.
  • We share our Disability & Disaster Hotline widely.
  • We inform the community of incoming disasters and help them prepare.
  • In blue skies, we work to increase education and awareness and strengthen community resilience.


  • We support the local disability and aging network and other disability-led and related organizations in their response to the disability community. 
    • Provide technical assistance, support, and guidance.
    • Navigate emergency management systems (working with FEMA, Red Cross, local emergency management, relief non-profits).
    • Bring stakeholders together to address systemic barriers and fill the gaps.
  • Our Disability & Disaster Hotline supports disabled disaster survivors.
    • We connect callers with their local CIL and other resources in the disability & aging network.
    • We connect callers with disaster services.
    • Hotline is a last resort to fill unmet needs to help people with disabilities maintain their independence and prevent institutionalization. 


  • We support local recovery efforts through technical assistance, support, and guidance.
  • Providing subject matter expertise on good and promising practices.
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