+1 (800) 626-4959 info@disasterstrategies.org 112 N. 8th Street, Suite 600, Philadelphia PA 19107

Jennith Lucas

Photo of Jennith smiling at the camera. Jennith is a white person with short hair, and is wearing glasses and a burnt orange sweater.

Jennith Lucas
Hotline Coordinator

Jennith Lucas is a trained Marriage and Family therapist and community care worker. Jennith’s commitment to disability justice is shaped by a disability and neurodivergent identity, a multi-generational history of marginalization and resistance, and desire for a thriving disability community.

Jennith has been doing disability direct care and peer support work for almost 15 years, beginning as a high school student. A background in grassroots organizing (within disability communities and other movement spaces) and transformative justice-influenced therapy for survivors of domestic and sexual violence provides grounding in Jennith's professional and personal work. Jennith’s training and experience in trauma-informed care and systems work through a relational focus means a deep belief that how we show up for each other in crisis and disaster matters, and that we can and must center the self-determination and agency of those navigating disasters.

An aspiring gardener and “cool” parent*, Jennith loves making and sharing food with friends and family, reading either very serious nonfiction or very silly fantasy, dabbling in tarot and astrology, and finding or making the perfect gifts.

*Jennith’s children do not endorse this statement.

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Contact Jennith via email at jennith@disasterstrategies.org

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