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Disaster Resilience Trainings for DSIL Staff

Thank you for attending The Partnership's
Disaster Resilience Trainings!

This page is meant to serve as a continuing resource. Below is the training recording and materials provided to Disability Solutions for Independent Living (DSIL) staff.

If you have any accessibility questions or concerns, please reach out to Priya Penner at priya@disasterstrategies.org.

Below you will find the following Training Modules:

Inclusive Emergency Management Crash Course Modules

The Inclusive EM Crash Course training objectives are to build confidence in understanding how to:

  • Utilize disaster-related terms and concepts
  • Maintain or secure your seat at Emergency Management tables
  • Advocate for disability rights to local, county, tribal, state, federal emergency management officials

Part One


Part Two


Continuity of Operations Training Module

The Continuity of Operations training objectives are to build your understanding in:

  • What continuity of operations means;
  • What a continuity of operations plan is; and
  • DSIL’s plan to operate during and after disasters and public health emergencies.


CMIST: Identifying Needs and Supporting Independence Just-In-Time Training Module

The CMIST just-in-time training objectives are to: 

  • Equip participants with knowledge of the CMIST framework
  • Use of the CMIST Tool for tracking needs in shelters or sheltering in place
  • Advocacy opportunities for independence and self-determination


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